miercuri, 13 ianuarie 2010

Happy B'day whoever you would have been ^^...

Am avut ocazia a cunoaste un inger .

Mi-a soptit in ureche vorbe dulci cu o voce nepamanteasca spunandu-mi ca totul va fi bine si apoi a disparut in feerie. Lumina ii acoperea fata iar ochii erau plini de iubire oh ce fiinta minunata era si ce as fi dori a nu-mi fi dat drumul din imbratisarea sa niciodata . Sprijinindu-mi capul de pieptul sau ma simteam in siguranta iar totul in jur era un vid alb, liniste si perfectiune .Amandoi eram intre penumbra si lumina otul era perfect. Ce am crezut ca a fost un vis a fost realitate si ceea ce am crezut a fi real a fost un cosmar. Imi impleticeam degetele prin aura ce-i inconjura capul vai ce fel zambeam si intr-o secunda mi-a spus " nu-ti fie frica " si a plecat mi-a dat drumul lin cu o tandrete ce nu credeam ca exista . Incet usor am ajuns la realitate si nu-mi mai vedeam ingerul , plecase , ma abandona-se insa inca era cu mine .. il simteam aproape si cu acel zambet ma marcase . Nu eram singura in lume de atunci inainte ci eram protejata de umbra sa si stiam ca aveam sa-l revad din nou in vise.

Acea noapte in carea aveam sa-l revad insa n-a sosit insa inca sper a-l revedea ...

lumina , intuneric , teluric si aer voi ce imi sante-ti frati  raspundeti-mi voi fi vreodata demna a fi din nou in bratele acelui inger? Sfant cer si frati stele eu voi ajunge a va fi egale?

Intr-un ecou aud Da si acest da ma face a spera si ma face a fi diferit , ma bucur sunt fericit sentiment ce nu apartine acestei lumi astfel toti suntem fiinte remarcabile si speciali prin faptul ca toti avem un inger in viata noastra . Multi uita acest lucru , iar ingerul va disparea in infinit.Nu va veni daca-l vei chema prea tarziu iar lacrimile nu-l vor impresiona, nici felul in care arati ci cat de frumos iti faci sufletul tau.

acei copii ce se inalta spre inaltul cerului nu vor disparea niciodata , nu-i uitati deoarece ei sunt acolo , in spatele vostru cand ave-ti nevoie de alinare , de cineva aproape , ei vor fi acolo langa voi. Aflati-le numele si ve-ti puea a-i vedea , striga-l aproape si va veni

Singuratatea este impartita cu tot universul numai cu cei ca noi nu este. A fi singur este un privilegiu iar cei ce n-au descoperit asta inca mai au multe a invata , nu va teme-ti de ceea ce nu cunoaste-ti deoarece necunoasterea e a sti prin definitie .

Bat campii si inca nu v-am spus cine sunt. Sunt orice chip pe care l-ati intalit , sunt orice voce pe care a-ti auzit-o si sunt sange din sangele tau  iar suflet din inima ingerului meu ceea ce ma face a fi distincta este el asa ca ma ve-ti putea vedea atunci cand ii ve-ti afla numele.Chemati-l si ma veti vedea de-a dreapta sa , cu mana mea intr-a sa privind  dinco-lo de aparente , contrangeri si idealuri vom fi pur si simplu fericiti ... nu vrei si tu a fi la fel ?

To be continued.....

marți, 12 ianuarie 2010


EDEN .. un cuvant ce a fost dat umanitatii de catre demiurg , de catre Absolut.Ce era acest loc nu-mi puteam imagina insa stiam ceva  ca acest loc avea sa-mi fie lacasul visurilor si al sufletului meu.

Acest eden poate fie oriunde precum si Dumnezeu poate fi oricare dinre noi .Daca Dumnezeu ar fi unul dintre noi , doar o persoana ce o evitam deoarece o consideram interesanta, un strain ce il avem de-a dreapta noastra in autobuz, oare...

Ignoanta in viata m-a costat mult, acum, vad asta insa ; mi-as fi dorit s-o fi vazut mai de mult. Acum,insa, e prea tarziu visele mi-au murit sufletul e pustiit iar sclipirea din ochi a fost inlocuita cu niste turturi de gheata ce nu ma lasa a prii dinco-lo de iarna.Renasterea primaverii n-o voi mai vedea decat prin ochii unui om or care isi aduce aminte cum arata un curcubeu neputand a-l revedea vreodata.Poate simti frigul , ploaia ce ii patrunde in inima si singura feriire pe care o mai are e o amintire .

Am oprit la semafor.. rosu,Rosu, de ce altii o atribuie infernului eu nu stiu , de ce o atribuie iubirii nici acest raspuns nu-l stiu eu i-l atribui Corneliei cea ce mi-a ramas in inima siin amintiri pentru eternitate.Vai ce n-as fi dat sa-i mai strang mana o data tanjeam dupa rasul ei....uram viata fara ea si in timp ce  galbenul a fost urmat de verde o lacrima agintie precum cerul de deasupra mea a cazut simultan cu o picatura de ploaie.Eu plangeam , cerul plangea, lumea era pur si simplu incompleta fara ea...

Atunci m-am decis nu aveam a mai trai asa , aveam s-o revad curand  si astfel am inceput a zambi dupa ani si ani de trsitete si suspin mi-am luat avant si aripi mi-au crescut si am reusit sa zbor din masina privind in jos cum aceasta a format un curcubeu in timp ce se scufunda.Eu zburam, fericirea avea sa fie scurta stiam asta insa mi-am vandut sufletul ptr o secunda de placere .-O picatura de nectar in paharul umplut cu amar -.I-am vazut chipul si i-am strans duios mana si cu un ultim adio am inceput a cadea precum Lucifer in intuneric insa chipul ei avea sa-mi lumineze infernul si asta a meritat sacrificiul. De acum inainte ea avea sa fie ingerul meu si doar al meu .

To be continued....

luni, 11 ianuarie 2010

imi pare rau a spune insa aceasta nu va fi o poveste cete va face a te inveseli, o poveste ce te va induiosa sau a te te invalui cu un val prin care vezi lumea in roz , ceea ce te face a crede despre lume ceva fals.. nu .. va fi o poveste ce te va inalta spre inaltul cerului si apoi te va lasa sa cazi; in timp ce realizezi ca totul a fost un vis te vei fi prabusit pe pamantul arid si rece .

era frig.. mult prea frig ptr o luna de toamna, ciorile croncaneau si toate virtuitoarele erau tacute.Totul murise in jur doar croncanitul ciorilor isi mai avea ecou in vant.Plin de entuziasm am inceput a fluiera sperand ca melodia va schimba tot ce e in jur insa ploaia mi-a dovedit ca nu am nici o putere a schimba ceva din realitate.Alergand prin ploaie simteam ca hainele imi erau ude, erau reci si parca acel sinistru simt imi intra in suflet.. tanjeam dupa un foc cald ce creea in jurul sau o aura in care ma simteam in siguranta... un imens stop de ploaie ce s-a prabusit pe fata mea ,din pacate, m-a trezit la realitate.. cruda si singuratica realitate.

Soarele sangeriu incet incet isi anunta plecarea , si el ma parasea... insa eu nu vroiam sa ma duc acasa. Ceva ma urmarea , ceva vrea sa mai stau.odata cu intunericul apasator am auzit ptr prima oara acel sunet.... 

Ohhh acel sunet minunat ce vibra in departare , ce ma invaluia, acel cunoscut ecou al ciorilor se prefacuse in muzica si pur si simplu ma hipnotizase.

A doua zi m-am trezit in camera mea, patul meu insa simteam ca ceva dispause totul era mai sumbru, mai neplacut , mai insingurat. Apartamentul meu parea pustiu si Doamna Tomsom ,proprietarea apartamentului care il inchiriasem, venea numai cand trebuia sa primeasca banii. Singur.....linistea era prea apasatoare astfel ma-m imbracat si m-am dus la o cafenea, zumzetul vietii ma enerva pur si simplu detestam orice din jur.. nu eram atent cand acel taxiu se indrepta spre mine, nici nu am auzit claxonul si tipetele oamenilor din jurul meu ci imi amintesc cerul si acele ciori nesuferite ce umpleau cerul, aveam sa nu le mai vad , cerul era demult pierdut , iar soarele sangeriu imi spunea adio.

M-am trezit intr-o incapere obscura, prin care lumina patrundea printr-o fereastra mica din tavan insa nu ma deranja nu mai era liniste nici zgomot ci doar infinit.. am stat ore ce poate au fost doar minute cand am decis sa ma uit jos.            Dedesubtul meu era lumina erau stele insa nu ca pe cer pe un fundal alb erau multicolore si ma faceau a ma apropia de ele.Puteam a le atinge nu erau fierbinti ci reci precum stropii de ploaie caderea era lenta vedeam tot , simteam tot.. si-ntr-o secunda n-am mai simtit absoltut nimic ceea ce inseamna infinitul.

Cad , cadem si vom cadea insa cand ne vom prabusi trebuie sa ne gasim puterea de a ne ridica deoarece s-ar putea sa fi aterizat in eden.

sâmbătă, 2 ianuarie 2010

Hijo De La Luna

Tonto el que no entienda
cuenta una leyenda
que una hembra gitana
conjuró a la luna hasta el amanecer
llorando pedía
al llegar el día
desposar un calé
tendrás a tu hombre piel morena
desde el cielo habló la luna llena
pero a cambio quiero
el hijo primero
que le engendres a él
que quien su hijo inmola
para no estar sola
poco le iba a querer


Luna quieres ser madre
y no encuentras querer
que te haga mujer
dime luna de plata
qué pretendes hacer
con un niño de piel
Hijo de la Luna

De padre canela nació un niño
blanco como el lomo de un armiño
con los ojos grises
en vez de aceituna
niño albino de luna
maldita su estampa
este hijo es de un payo
y yo no me lo cayo


Gitano al creerse deshonrado
se fue a su mujer cuchillo en mano
¿de quién es el hijo?
me has engañao fijo
y de muerte la hirió
luego se hizo al monte
con el niño en brazos
y allí le abandonó


Y en las noches que haya luna llena
será porque el niño esté de buenas
y si el niño llora
menguará la luna
para hacerle una cuna
y si el niño llora
menguará la luna
para hacerle una cuna

English Translation

A fool is he who doesn't understand
a legend tells
that a gypsy woman
implored the moon
weeping, she begged till dawn
to marry a gypsy man
"you'll have your brown-skin man"
spoke the full moon from the sky
"but in retun I want the
the first child
that you have with him,"
one who sacrifices her child
in order not to be alone
is not going
to love it very much

Moon you want to be mother
and you can't find a love
who makes you a woman.
Tell me, moon of silver
what you intend to do
with a child of flesh
ahhh, ahhh
Son of the Moon

From a cinnamon-skinned father a son
was born
white like an ermine's belly
with gray eyes
instead of olive,
moon's albino son
"Dam his appearence!
This is not a gypsy man's son
and you won't get away with this"

Moon you want to be mother
and you can't find a love
who makes you a woman.
Tell me, moon of silver
what you intend to do
with a child of flesh
ahhh, ahhh
Son of the Moon

the qypsy believing himself dishonored
went to his wife, knife in hand
"Whose son in this?
I am sure yu have decieved me!"
and he stabbed her to death
then he went to the mountain
with the child in his arms
and abandoned it there

Moon you want to be mother
and you can't find a love
who makes you a woman.
Tell me, moon of silver
what you intend to do
with a child of flesh
ahhh, ahhh
Son of the Moon

And on nights when the moon is full
it's because the child is happy
and if the child cries
the moon will wane
to make him a cradle
and if the child cries
the moon will wane to make him a cradle

vineri, 1 ianuarie 2010

The Sign of the Tiger

Courageous, active, and self-assured. Optimistic, passionate and independent. Rebellious, dynamic, and unpredictable. Quick tempered but considerate. Affectionate but careless. The Tiger is a natural born leader and symbolizes power, passion and daring.

People born in the Year of the Tiger are generally well liked because of their charming personalities. Often, failing at a given task or being unproductive in his personal or professional life can cause a Tiger to experience a deep depression. Criticism from loved ones can also generate this type of Tiger reaction.

Tigers are fond of competitions. They simply cannot pass up a challenge. They may appear cool and are unpredictable, and it would be unwise to underestimate their reactions. Natural leaders, they have a strong sense of their own dignity. They are intelligent, alert, and farsighted. Good strategists and tacticians, they often have a hidden agenda. As long as they do not risk their luck too often, and keep their restless nature under control, they will enjoy success and happiness.

People born in the Year of the Tiger are straightforward and uninhibited in nature. They will never give up no matter how frustrated they may become. But, they are also full of suspicion and sometimes will take hasty action.

They must be aware of how they react to and are affected by the consequences of their tempers. They should take it a little easier and learn to pace themselves to keep active longer and to prevent early burnout. They are blessed with flexibility and often recover quickly from illness or pain.

Some people born in the Year of the Tiger are gentle and full of sympathy. They are kind, love babies and anything that arouses their imagination. Others can be stubborn and selfish. Generally speaking, people born in the Year of the Tiger are fond of playing, and full of enthusiasm and sentiment. Some are mercurial. They can laugh happily one moment, and cry the next. They will be optimistic, but at the next they will lose their heart totally.

People born in the Year of the Tiger take pride in being different than others, and generally illustrate their originality best in their homes. Their homes are usually filled with exotic treasures. They are fast learners, need challenge and often work alone. Some tend to change careers more often because they get bored easily. They are natural born leaders and perform best if working towards positions of power and influence. They like to spend money, and also to share it. They can be quite impulsive spenders because they know they can always make more.

It is interesting that their two main features are rashness and hesitation, a pair of contradictions. If they know how to relax and do things according to the situation, they can become quite successful.

Tiger Years: 02/08/1902 to 01/28/1903 (Water), 01/26/1914 to 02/13/1915 (Wood), 02/13/1926 to 02/01/1927 (Fire), 01/31/1938 to 02/18/1939 (Earth), 02/17/1950 to 02/05/1951 (Metal), 02/05/1962 to 01/24/1963 (Water), 01/23/1974 to 02/10/1975 (Wood), 02/09/1986 to 01/28/1987 (Fire), 01/28/1998 to 02/15/1999 (Earth), 02/14/2010 to 02/02/2011 (Metal)

Famous Tiger People: Agatha Christie, Crystal Gayle, Cybill Shepherd, Demi Moore, Diana Rigg, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Hilary Swank, Jodie Foster, Marilyn Monroe, Mary Queen of Scots, Norma Shearer, Penelope Cruz, Queen Elizabeth II, Rosie O'Donnell, and Tom Cruise.

joi, 31 decembrie 2009

Owl City - "Fireflies"

you would not believe your eyes
if ten million fireflies lit up the world as i fell asleep
'Cause they'd fill the open air
and leave teardrops everywhere
you'd think me rude but I would just stand and stare

I'd like to make myself believe
that planet Earth turns slowly
Its hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems

'Cause I'd get a thousand hugs from ten thousand lightning bugs
as they tried to teach me how to dance
A foxtrot above my head
a sock hop beneath my bed
a disco ball is just hanging by a thread


When I fall asleep leave my door open just a crack
(please take me away from here)
'Cause I feel like such an insomniac
(please take me away from here)
why do I tire of counting sheep
(please take me away from here)
when I'm far too tired to fall asleep

To ten million fireflies
I'm weird 'cause I hate goodbyes
I got misty eyes as they said farewell
but I'll know where several are
if my dreams get real bizarre
'cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar

Chorus (x2)

(I fall asleep)
I'd like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
Because my dreams are bursting at the seams

Happy make a wish

Verse 1:
Please accept my apologies, wonder what would have been
Would you've been a little angel or an angel of sin?
Tom-boy running around, hanging with all the guys.
Or a little tough boy with beautiful brown eyes?
I payed for the murder before they determined the sex
Choosing our life over your life meant your death
And you never got'a chance to even open your eyes
Sometimes I wonder as a foetus if you faught for your life?
Would you have been a little genius in love with math?
Would you have played in your school clothes and made me mad?
Would you have been a little rapper like your papa da Piper?
Would you have made me quit smokin' by finding one of my lighters?
I wonder about your skintone and shape of your nose?
And the way you would have laughed and talked fast or slow?
Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen
Happy birthday, love you whoever you woulda been
Happy birthday...

what I thought was a dream (make a wish)
Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday)
What I thought was a dream (make a wish)
Was as real as it seemed

I made a mistake!

Verse 2:
I've got a millon excuses to why you died
Bet the people got their own reasons for homicide
Who's to say it woulda worked, and who's to say it wouldn't have?
I was young and strugglin' but old enough to be your dad
The fear of being my father has never disappeared
Pondering frequently while I'm sippin' on my beer
My vision of a family was artificial and fake
So when it came time to create I made a mistake
Now you've got a little brother maybe he's really you?
Maybe you really forgave us knowin' we was confused?
Maybe everytime that he smiles it's you proudly knowin' that your father's doin' the right thing now?
I never tell a woman what to do with her body
But if she don't love children then we can't party
Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen
Happy birthday, love you whoever you woulda been
Happy birthday...

What I thought was a dream (make a wish)
Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday)
What I thought was a dream (yeah, make a wish)
Was as real as it seemed

I made a mistake!

And from the heavens to the womb to the heavens again
From the endin' to the endin', never got to begin
Maybe one day we could meet face to face?
In a place without time and space
Happy birthday...

From the heavens to the womb to the heavens again
From the endin' to the endin', never got to begin
Maybe one day we could meet face to face?
In a place without time and space

Happy birthday...

What I thought was a dream (make a wish)
Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday)
What I thought was a dream (make a wish)
Was as real as it seemed

I made a mistake...!